Saturday, 29 May 2010

Sainsbury's Bag Packing

A huge big thank you to Jean Agha at Sainsbury's for allowing us to do some bag packing at Sainsbury's today - 29 May 2010.

Tiring morning bag packing at Sainsbury's with The Dynamic Duo's Connor Mayes having really found his vocation - albeit a bit hacked off with one customer!

"Can't believe I packed all £350 quids worth of her shopping AND took it to her car - and she didn't even make a donation!" he moaned...........  "yet this other couple, who only bought a few bits, and the lady was in a wheel chair, donated loads"

A moral there perhaps?

Anyway..... here are some photographs of the morning's activity - and non of Lyndon because he deleted them from the camera memory!   We will up date later when we have a figure for the amount we have raised.

Thank you to Connor Mayes; Lyndon March, Nathan Bentley; Aiden Eldritt, Jamie Hayes, Thaine Mayes, Chris March, Heather March, Faith March, Glenn Mayes and Carlie Mayes.

 Connor's new vocation!

Glenn and Nathan


Thaine being paid NOT to pack!

Heather helping out....

Connor hard at it........

Jamie doing his bit.....

Monday, 24 May 2010

Fantastic News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have broken through the

 £1000 mark!   

Well done to everyone!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Street Collection raises another large amount

Another fantastic effort by 6th Formers from Plume 6th Form college.

Thanks to the Oak House for allowing their premises to be used as a base for the organisers, and keeping them in tea and coffee.

This is only the first of severel street activites that The Dynamic Duo hope to hold in the High Street in aid of Their London to Paris sponsored bike ride for Help for Heroes.

Watch this blog for more information.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Dynamic Duo - Street Collection on Friday 7 May - URGENT CALL!


Please volunteer to come along and help do some street collecting on Friday 7 May in Maldon.  If you can only do 1 hour - fantastic. 

Contact; or ring him on the number you already have.......